Kung Hei Fat Choi

Compass Data wishes you Kung Hei Fat Choi

May the year of the OX bring you good health, good fortune and bring you great success for you, your family and your business.

The year of the Rat proved to be a monumental year in so many ways, with the spread of Covid -19, our lives and our businesses changed direction without warning creating challenges many of us have never faced, including remote working solutions.

Here at Compass Data our response has been to change the way we manage our business, our clients and our development projects.

The safety of our staff and clients has always been important, but never more so now than in the current climate and as a result we have deployed full remote access of our own internal management tools, as well as increasing support options for all our clients. Many of whom are working remotely and are increasingly more reliant on their systems. We’ve also added even more SLA based support options to our portfolio ensuring our clients can continue to operate in these difficult times.

We have enabled our team to continue developing your software solutions and facilitated home working access to all solutions developed or managed by our team. We have achieved this by increasing the use of Zoom facilities and screen sharing to continue cooperative working with clients in the development process.

We have also limited our time on site with clients to mission critical visits only, and introduced a more flexible approach to the way we design and develop systems to ensure we are available as and when you need us.

Remote working solutions

Working from home has meant standard office hours no longer exist with home schooling and the inevitability of home and work life providing the inevitable conflicts has meant many of our clients are working with more flexible hours and our services have adapted to match. We believe that families are important and our team are also working flexible hours to allow them to support their children’s education and other needs.

This means we can also offer greater flexibility in when and how we work with our clients. We find more people taking advantage of ‘after hours’ calls and meetings as the working day is no longer defined as 9-5.

All in all we have fundamentally adapted our services to meet the changing needs of our new and existing clients, offering them greater levels of support and flexibility. If you’d like to know more, or are in need of a flexible approach why not contact our team and we will be happy to help you through these unusual times….

Let us help you with remote working solutions
